

Diving deep into the field of life sciences, deciphering the protein code


Engaging in in-depth research on nutrient extraction and intake, focusing on life science fields such as cellular biology, genomics, functional peptides, and proteomics. Exploring novel peptide-based nutritional substances, conducting customized services, formulation, and technological research and development of functional peptide products derived from pharmaceutical and food sources, as well as by-products from upstream and downstream enterprises.


Independently developed "12-step low-temperature enzymatic hydrolysis" process


The Honin's Peptide research team has independently developed a "12-step low-temperature enzymatic hydrolysis process," which effectively preserves the bioactivity of the raw materials and maximizes the extraction of nutritional substances from the raw materials, ensuring a human absorption rate of over 98%.

开放包容 合作创新

Openness and inclusiveness, collaborative innovation


Guided by the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and collaborative innovation, we have established close partnerships with renowned research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harvard University, and Taiyuan University of Technology. We collaborate with Huadao Marine on research focused on marine drugs and functional gene studies based on peptides. Additionally, we collaborate with the Cambridge team at Shanxi University Biomedical Research Institute on spirulina peptide industry-academia research.

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